Sunday, December 9, 2012

"The Dark Knight Rises" REVIEW

Hey Everyone,
     Today I am reviewing the final segment of Christopher Nolan’s epic “Dark Knight” trilogy. As always feel free to comment and or leave suggestions from future reviews.

STARRING: Christian Bale(The Prestige, Terminator Salvation), Tom Hardy(Inception, Warrior), Anne Hathaway(Devil Wears Prada, Alice in Wonderland)
WRITTEN BY: Christopher Nolan(Inception, Memento), Johnathan Nolan(The Prestige)
DIRECTED BY: Chritopher Nolan(Insomnia, Following)
     Eight years after “The Joker” terrorized Gotham, a new super villain calling himself “Bane”(Hardy) seizes control of the city. A long absent Batman(Bale) resurfaces to end Bane’s reign of terror before it’s too late.

     The storyline of this film follows the same style and general feel of the two previous films in the trilogy. You find yourself wrapped in several of the characters plights simultaneously. The film achieves this by giving you part of their story, and then quickly cutting to another characters story that is happening at the same time. Inevitably those small doses of individual stories all come together at the end resulting in a dramatic climax. This style in particular requires some attention to detail and a little memorization, but in my opinion adds to the viewing experience. I did however, have a slight problem with the story. Without giving things away for those of you who haven’t seen the movie, my problem lies here. With all of the care given to detail and all of the explanations given on how things came to be in the previous films, there were too many moments in the film that left me saying; “WAIT WHAT…..?” or “YOU MEAN TO TELL ME YOUR JUST FIGURING THAT OUT??” with that aside the story is a good one but did not live up to the two previous films. Which might I add is NOT an easy task.
RATING: 3.5(of 5)-GOOD
      The score of the film follows the same musical themes of the previous movies in the trilogy. This is not a bad thing as the music is absolutely perfect for the film. If it’s a thrilling scene the music keeps you on the edge of your seat. If it is an emotional scene the music perfectly coveys the emotion intended. It is, in my opinion “perfect”. The movie is definitely visually striking. For the high octane action sequences all the way down to the dark interpersonal interactions of the characters. The visuals perfectly convey the dark tone of the movie.
     The performances given by the main characters I felt was right on par with my expectations. However, the performances by the supporting cast especially those with smaller roles were VERY mixed. The actors with larger supporting roles such as Gary Oldman(Dracula, True Romance), Morgan Freeman(Shawshank Redemption, Seven), Michael Caine(The Prestige, Children of Men), Matthew Modine (Vision Quest, Full Metal Jacket), and Joseph Gordon-Levitt(Inception, 50/50) all give solid performances, as to be expected for actors of their caliber. The rest however, were at times not just bad , they were downright AWFUL. I’ve seen better acting in ultra low budget B-movies. This lowered my overall opinion of the acting and directing of the film. How on earth did some of those takes make the final cut? I dunno, maybe Nolan owed someone a favor.
RATING: 2.5(of 5)-DECENT
     There was literally a mountain of hype surrounding this film, as there should be following the immense success of the previous two films in the trilogy. One could only expect that this film live up to it’s predecessor regardless of Heath Ledger’s unfortunate absence. I don’t feel this film did that. It was by all means a good movie but with the stage set this extravagantly it has to be more than good.
RATING: 2.5(of 5)-DECENT
3.4( of 5)-GOOD
    Thanks for reading! I hope you found this review helpful. Please don’t forget to comment and or leave suggestions for future reviews. -Gary-

If you are interested in checking out this film for yourself please click the links below.
“The Dark Knight Rises” on DVD or Blu-Ray

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